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Adora: personalised menopause support 
for your workforce

Adora provides access to trusted health experts and a digital companion to ensure that every woman is guided and supported through their unique menopause journey


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Woman using the adora app

Why Adora?

A menopause companion for each and every woman in the workplace

Adora combines human-led support with intuitive AI to guide, support, and nurture every woman on their unique menopause journey

Our solution

Comprehensive care throughout your journey

From alleviating menopause symptoms to enhancing employee wellbeing, adora offers confidential support that includes:

  • Personalised journeys tailored to each woman's needs

  • Direct access to gynecologists – no waiting lists

  • User-friendly symptom tracker and toolkit

  • Educational health hub offering lifestyle insights and the latest news

  • Regular live events featuring top women's health experts

Fostering a positive workplace for menopausal women

Adora's mission is to help businesses help women. PwC host Katy Bennett chats to Ann O'Neill (Adora's founder) and Rachael Hampton (Partner at PwC) about what organisations can do to support women's health

How adora can help your business

Stop menopause brain drain

The UK is facing an urgent skills shortage. Menopausal women are the fastest-growing workforce demographic - but over one million have quit work due to menopause. 

Recruit and retain experienced talent

It can cost businesses up to £30K to replace a senior employee when you factor in recruitment fees, training, loss of productivity. Added to that an inclusive work culture attracts top talent.

Diversity, equality & inclusion 

Around 20% of any workforce is in some stage of menopause and 80% of those will have symptoms. Menopausal support is a key component of every effective DE&I policy. 

Boost workplace culture

Eight out of ten women say their employer hasn't shared menopause information.  Supportive workplaces increase productivity and staff loyalty, reducing turnover and absence.

"I have joined many of adora's webinars. I've found them to be so informative with great content that is so relevant and there's always useful information to take away to help women going through the menopause" 

Louise Hymers 

Menopause Champion

Ready for menopause support in your business?
Let's talk! 

Request an introductory call to find out how adora can provide menopause support in your organisation now

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